« Finding Opportunity in Crisis: The Path Forward for the European Union », discours prononcé lors d’une conférence au European Institute de Washington, le 16 mai 2016

AL European Institute 16052016


It is the paradox of our time: the world is at peace, and we stand bewildered, destabilized.


“Never again!” It was the cry of the survival after the Great War. And the source of inspiration for the 14 points by Woodrow Wilson. In vain. “Never again!’ This political will drove the authors of the Charter of the Atlantic, then of the builders of the post-war world, the UN, Bretton Woods, Marshall Plan, EOEC, then the whole European construction.

“Never again!” And this time, it worked! There is no greater surprise than that of the prophet whose prophecy comes true. Likewise, the policymakers are more taken aback by their successes than by their failures. Defeat provides an immediate aim: preparing revenge. But success? And what if this success alters the face of the world?

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